piektdiena, 2015. gada 3. aprīlis

Opportunity to improve on democracy

   Debes, ergo potes

Opportunity to improve on democracy

        Many of us who are disillusioned with a manipulated democracy criticize it, while at the same time often getting caught in snares set by political technologists, radicalizing, becoming egocentric or sinking in a mire of hopelessness. Such people continue complaining about the harsh life, failing to find constructive solutions for the existing problems, not seeing real opportunities to change the situation, and not seeing the potential of improving the current democratic system.
        In order to find a way out of the dead end of democracy created by the ruling elite, we must start by critically evaluating ourselves as a personality and a social being; understand that social change begins within me, begins with me, that I, myself, am a facilitator or inhibitor of social progress. Of course, all of that demands a true, genuine desire, daring, a strong will and exceptional courage to look into oneself, to assess one’s good and bad traits and worldview without hypocrisy – in this way understanding one’s real role in the society, the directions of personal development, perceiving the risk factors of one’s character, the critical points of one’s views, the need to adjust them, not to later be ashamed about oneself and one’s misspent life.
         There is both good and evil in each of us – none of us are perfect! But personal traits and motivations rooted in our social status, values dominating in the existing societal system, its stereotypes and interpretations, ideological clichés and prejudices promulgated by the mass media under control of the ruling power, ultimately determine our actions, our mutual relations, our individual priorities.... Read more: https://www.amazon.com/HOW-GET-RID-SHACKLES-TOTALITARIANISM-ebook/dp/B0C9543B4L/ref=sr_1_1?crid=19WW1TG75ZU79&keywords=HOW+TO+GET+RID+OF+THE+SHACKLES+OF+TOTALITARIANISM&qid=1687700500&s=books&sprefix=how+to+get+rid+of+the+shackles+of+totalitarianism%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C181&sr=1-1 

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