otrdiena, 2017. gada 28. novembris

On Social Responsibility of the Voter

                                               Veritatem sequi et tueri iustitiam

On Social Responsibility of the Voter
             Opportunities of Strengthening Sound Judgement
National-patriotic speculation frequently practiced by politicians in order to manipulate the minds of voters degrades democracy, discredits its human essence and compromises its liberal character.
As a result, many of us no longer see the point in exercising our legitimate electoral rights and perceive the illusory manifestation of the will of people in the form of a parody of the yet another election with neglectful indifference. Most politicians in their demagoguery, with promises expressed in a populist manner, become similar to each other – equally false defenders of true popular interests.
This behaviour is motivated by the aspiration to maintain, by all means possible, the seized power in their own interests and in the interests of the clans represented by them, as well as by the dependence on the money of the oligarchs and their avaricious predilections. Along with this, the will of the people is falsified. The rights of voters are effaced to the level of background actors under the well-prepared direction of professional political technologists in a skilfully filmed election show that simulates democracy.... Read more: https://www.amazon.com/HOW-GET-RID-SHACKLES-TOTALITARIANISM-ebook/dp/B0C9543B4L/ref=sr_1_1?crid=19WW1TG75ZU79&keywords=HOW+TO+GET+RID+OF+THE+SHACKLES+OF+TOTALITARIANISM&qid=1687700500&s=books&sprefix=how+to+get+rid+of+the+shackles+of+totalitarianism%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C181&sr=1-1

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