piektdiena, 2017. gada 3. marts

Future prospects for democracy (Possibilities of disclosing the social essence of politicians)

Debes, ergo potes

Future prospects for democracy
 (Possibilities of disclosing the social essence of politicians)


Currently, we live in the era which is existentially decisive for the entire civilization, when a symbiosis of digital technology and people is under way, when a comprehensive process of the informatization of society is being implemented. In these circumstances, the requirement for genuine democracy, which is organized and is functioning in accordance with the set of universal values proclaimed by the UN and accepted by all civilized countries, becomes an objective and particularly important need.
          To achieve this goal, it is necessary to mobilize the entire intellectual potential, it is necessary to make every effort to strengthen democracy as the dominant system of the organization of the public power so as to attain its harmonization in the form of a true rule of the people (direct democracy). The sooner we recognize and comprehend this urgent need and effectively contribute to its practical implementation, the more successfully the strengthening and improving of the existing democratic institutions will be ensured. This is what will allow for efficiently solving the exacerbated existential problems of the modern society.... Read more: https://www.amazon.com/HOW-GET-RID-SHACKLES-TOTALITARIANISM-ebook/dp/B0C9543B4L/ref=sr_1_1?crid=19WW1TG75ZU79&keywords=HOW+TO+GET+RID+OF+THE+SHACKLES+OF+TOTALITARIANISM&qid=1687700500&s=books&sprefix=how+to+get+rid+of+the+shackles+of+totalitarianism%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C181&sr=1-1

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