otrdiena, 2017. gada 18. aprīlis

Vecuma pārvarēšana

           Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per example


                        Vecuma pārvarēšana  
   Mūsdienu civilizācijas sasniegumi ļauj prognozēt, ka jau pašreiz ekonomiski attīstītajās valstīs dzīvojošajai vidējai paaudzei tiks nodrošināti apstākļi būtiskai vidējās dzīves ilguma palielināšanai (apmēram simt gadu robežās). Vienlaikus tiks radītas tādas iespējas, kas ļaus veikt novecojušā organisma atjaunošanu. Veidojoties bioloģiskai un kibernētiskai simbiozei, tiek ielikti pamati cilvēka personības nemirstībai.
    Šeit sniegtas dažas publikācijas, lai palīdzētu ieskatīties šajā prognozējamajā nākotnē.
    Jāuzsver, ka šādi cilvēces progresa rezultāti var kļūt arī par reālu apdraudējumu uz humānisma principiem organizētai sabiedriskajai iekārtai. Tas var īstenoties:
1)    ja nemirstību iegūst valstu vadītāji – diktatori, kuri nevilcināsies izplatīt totalitārismu un pasludināt savas varas pilnvaras par mūžīgām, bet autokrātiju - par labāko tautas pārvaldes formu;
2)   ja mākslīgais saprāts kļūs par dominējošo spēku vēl pirms tā ētiskās humanizācijas.
   Lai šādus civilizācijas attīstības riskus novērstu, vitāli nepieciešams pakāpeniski, soli pa solim reformēt demokrātiju par patiesu tautvaldību, novēršot tās līdzšinējo manipulatīvo raksturu un veicinot gudra elektorāta izaugsmi (sk. rakstu “Par reālpolitikas attīrīšanās iespējām” https://ceihners.blogspot.com).

                                                Ervins Ceihners

Atdzimšanas acs

Peter Kelder


Tibetan Secrets of Youth and Vitality: How to Look and Feel Younger Using Five Ancient Rites for Stimulating your Energy Centres

by Peter Kelder

Well versed in the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation since the 1930s, Peter Kelder is alive and well, living in California. He is the author of Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth.


Ageless: The New Science of Getting Older Without Getting Old

Andrew Steele

 With the help of science, could humans find a way to become old without getting elderly, a phenomenon otherwise known as "biological immortality"? In Ageless, Andrew Steele, research fellow at Britain's new and largest biomedical laboratory, the Francis Crick Institute, shows us that the answer lies at the cellular level. He takes us on a journey through the laboratories where scientists are studying every aspect of the cell--DNA, mitochondria, stem cells, our immune systems, even age genes that can lead to a tenfold increase in life span (in worms, anyway)--all in an effort to forestall or reverse the body's (currently!) inevitable decline. With clear writing and intellectual passion, Steele shines a spotlight on a revolution already under way and offers reality-based hope. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/52954648

Zinātnieki atklājuši uzturvielu, kas palēnina novecošanu  

"Ko Ārsti Tev Nestāsta"
Neviens nevēlas novecot un ciest no hroniskiem veselības traucējumiem. Pēc dažu zinātnieku domām, ja tiks gūts apstiprinājums kādas uzturvielas spēcīgajai iedarbībai, šis process vairs nebūs neizbēgams. 
Pētnieki atklājuši, ka alfa liposkābe novērš sekas, ko rada hroniskas slimības kā ateroskleroze, kas nelabvēlīgi iespaido artērijas, un cukura diabēts.
Tas notiek tāpēc, ka organisms tiek stimulēts pastiprināti izdalīt telomerāzes enzīmu, un tas veicina telomēru (hromosomu beigu daļu) augšanu. Saīsināti telomēri liecina par organisma novecošanu un vienlaikus paātrina šo procesu. 
Alfa liposkābe ir antioksidants, kuru izstrādā mūsu organisms, lai glikozi pārvērstu enerģijā. To var uzņemt arī ar sarkano gaļu un alus raugu vai uztura bagātinātājiem (kas ir laba ziņa cilvēkiem, kuri neēd gaļu). 
Zinātnieki no Emorija universitātes Medicīnas skolas gan atzīst, ka pagaidām minēto teoriju pamato pētījumi, kas veikti tikai ar pelēm. Patiesībā zinātnieki nav pārliecināti, ka cilvēki varētu panākt tādu pašu rezultātu alfa liposkābes noturīguma un bioloģiskās pieejamības dēļ

02.03.2019 00:04
Jaunas zāles labākai un garākai dzīvei  

Valters Bolēvics, Starptautisko inovatīvo farmaceitisko firmu asociācija
Ar unikālu gēnu terapiju atjaunot redzi, likt organismam uzsākt cīņu ar agresīvām vēža šūnām vai novērst smagu invaliditāti, tā ļaujot dzīvot daudz ilgāk, bez sāpēm un ciešanām, – šie un daudzi citi farmācijas nozares sasniegumi pēdējos gados no zinātniskās fantastikas kļuvuši par taustāmu realitāti.
Latvijā pārstāvētie starptautiskie zāļu ražotāji, kas apvienojušies Starptautisko inovatīvo farmaceitisko firmu asociācijā (SIFFA), piedāvā iepazīties ar pēdējo gadu spilgtākajiem atklājumiem, kā arī skaidro jauno zāļu ietekmi uz mūža ilgumu....
Unikāla gēnu terapija redzes atjaunošanai...
Būtisks jaunums multiplās sklerozes slimniekiem...
Programmē šūnas, kas nogalina vēzi...:
Izmantotie avoti:
https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal content/LV/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:52017DC0206&from=EN

Kalifornijas universitātes pētnieku eksperimentā gluži nejauši veikts unikāls atklājums – pazemināts dalībnieku bioloģiskais vecums.

Par to raksta žurnāls "Nature". Zinātnieku mērķis nemaz nebija mūžīgā jaunība, viņi tikai plānoja pārbaudīt, kā uz imūnsistēmu iedarbojas trīs diezgan plaši lietoti medikamenti, tos patērējot vienlaikus. Pēc gada atklājās, ka zāļu kokteilim ir blakne – visi brīvprātīgie bija kļuvuši vidēji par divarpus gadiem jaunāki.
“Es biju gatavs redzēt [bioloģiskā] pulksteņa palēnināšanos, bet ne atpakaļgaitu,” "Nature" citē ģenētikas profesoru, pētījuma līdzautoru Stīvu Horvatu. “Tas izskatījās diezgan futūriski.”
Bioloģisko vecumu nosaka noteikti DNS marķieri, kas mainās novecošanas gaitā. Tie rāda organisma funkcionālo stāvokli un var gan apsteigt kalendāro vecumu, gan atpalikt no tā.
Novecošanas biomarķierus atklāja pirms pusgadsimta, un kopš tā laika daudzi zinātnieki meklē iespējas pagarināt jaunību.
Stenforda Medicīnas centrā veiktajam eksperimentam sākotnēji bija cits uzdevums. Imunologs Gregorijs Fahi no Losandželosas vēlējās noskaidrot, cik droši ir izmantot augšanas hormona (somatotropīna) injekcijas, lai atjaunotu audus aizkrūtes dziedzerī jeb tīmusā. Šim nelielajam orgānam ir svarīga loma imūnsistēmā, bet ar laiku tas sarūk izmēros un aizaug ar taukaudiem.
Pētījumos ar dzīvniekiem atklāts, ka augšanas hormons palīdz aizkrūtes dziedzera atjaunošanā, tomēr vienlaikus veicina cukura diabētu. Tāpēc kopā ar somatotropīna injekcijām brīvprātīgie saņēma divus plaši zināmus pretdiabēta preparātus – prasteronu un metformīnu.
Pētījuma autori gan atzīst, ka eksperimenta mērogs bijis pārāk mazs un bez kontrolgrupas salīdzināšanai. Piedalījās tikai deviņi cilvēki, visi baltie vīrieši vecumā no 51 līdz 65 gadiem. Gada laikā viņiem regulāri ņēma asins analīzes un eksperimenta sākumā un beigās veica magnētiskās rezonanses tomogrāfiju.
Septiņiem dalībniekiem bija novērota dziedzera reģenerācija, un visiem uzlabojās asins rādītāji. Pēc tam imunologam Fahi ienāca prātā parādīt rezultātus profesoram Horvatam, kurš ir izstrādājis vienu no precīzākajām bioloģiskā vecuma mērīšanas metodēm. Viņš atklāja, ka dalībnieku bioloģiskais vecums atpaliek no reālā, turklāt sešiem asins analīzes par to liecināja vēl pusgadu pēc eksperimenta beigām – terapijas efekts bija ilgstošs. Tagad zinātnieki gatavojas veikt daudz plašāku pētījumu tieši šajā virzienā.

Pētījumos noskaidrots, ka ticība Dievam spēj ietekmēt fizisko veselību 

Ja jums patīk piedalīties derībās, kurās īsti nemaz nevar zaudēt, vai drīkstu jūs iepazīstināt ar “Paskāla derībām”? Arguments, ko formulēja franču matemātiķis un filozofs Blēzs Paskāls, skan aptuveni šādi: Dievs vai nu eksistē, vai ne, mēs to nevaram uzzināt. Taču varam izvēlēties – ticēt Dievam vai ne. Ja ticēsim, dzīvosim laimīgāku dzīvi. Ja Dievs eksistē, mēs nokļūsim debesīs; ja Dievs neeksistē, mēs tāpat būsim nodzīvojuši laimīgāku mūžu.

Ateisti ir kritizējuši Paskāla pieņēmumu, ka, tikai ticot Dievam, mēs dzīvosim laimīgāk, tomēr kāds jauns pētījums apliecina, ka Paskālam bija taisnība. Cilvēki, kas tic Dievam vai augstākam spēkam, ir laimīgāki, turklāt viņi ir veselīgāki.

Lielbritānijas Nacionālais statistikas birojs ir izpētījis, ka cilvēki ar reliģisku pārliecību biežāk nekā ateisti bija apmierinātāki ar savu veselību un retāk smēķēja.

Komentējot pētījuma rezultātus, Londonas ekumeniskā centra Coexist House programmu vadītājs Maikls Veiklins teica: “Tas ir saistīts ar attieksmi pret pateicību. Ja ticat domai, ka Dievs jūs mīl un viņš jūs ir radījis, jums ir lielāka iespēja būt pateicīgiem par to, kas jums ir. Tāpat, ja esat ticīgi, jūs biežāk nekā ateisti cerēsiet uz labāku nākotni un ticēsiet – lai arī tagad dzīve nav viegla, ar laiku viss uzlabosies.”

Bet svarīga ir ne tikai pateicība. Citi pētnieki, kas analizējuši saistību starp ticību un labsajūtu, ir ievērojuši arī divus citus faktorus: kopīguma un piederības izjūtu un nojautu, ka eksistē kaut kas augstāks par mums.

Vienā pētījumā Kentas Universitātes zinātnieki secināja, ka ticība ir tas, kas nodrošina pozitīvu novecošanu” jeb gara, veselīga un jēgpilna mūža nodzīvošanu.

Reliģiska ticība dod dzīvei veidolu un jēgu, turklāt grūtos brīžos nodrošina sociālo atbalstu un kopienu.

Djūka Universitātes psihiatrs Harolds Kēnigs ir veltījis savu karjeru reliģijas un garīguma ietekmes pētniecībai, lai noskaidrotu, kādu iespaidu tā atstāj uz mūsu garīgo un fizisko veselību. Viņš atsaucas uz Djūka Universitātes pētījumiem, kas liecina, kā reliģiska ticība palīdz uzveikt depresiju un ka ticīgi slimnieku kopēji paši nodzīvo garāku mūžu.

Beidzamajā pētījumā Kēnigs secināja, ka piederība reliģijai palēnina novecošanas procesu. Šis fenomens ir novērojams fiziski, jo pagarinās telomēru dzīves ilgums. Telomēri ir veidojumi hromosomu galos, un tie ir saistīti ar novecošanu.

Telomēru noturību visskaidrāk varēja novērot dalībniekiem ar visstiprāko ticību.

“Ticība sniedz mums jēgu, un, kad kalpojam, mēs to darām ar nojausmu par augstāku spēku,” stāsta Kristīna Pučalski no Džordža Vašingtona garīguma un veselības institūta. Sapratne par šo kopīgo saikni mums ļauj būt iecietīgiem pret citu ciešanām, jeb, kā teicis psihiatrs Viktors Frankls, cilvēku nesagrauj ciešanas. Viņu sagrauj bezjēdzīgas ciešanas.

Savos pētījumos Pučalski ievēroja, ka ticīgi cilvēki dzīvoja ilgāk, turklāt viņiem bija zemāks interleikīna-6 līmenis. Šis proteīns ir hronisku slimību bioloģiskais marķieris. Reliģiozi cilvēki arī bija garīgi noturīgāki slimībās, sāpēs un stresā. Un, kā atklāja Hārvarda Universitātes kardiologs Herberts Bensons un citi, kas pētījušo ticības ietekmi uz mūsu veselību, ticīgi cilvēki ātrāk atlaba no slimībām un operācijām.

Tomēr ir arī sliktas ziņas. Reliģiska ticība var veicināt garīgo veselību un palīdzēt cilvēkiem grūtībās, īpaši tad, ja viņiem ir grupas vai draudzes atbalsts, taču šādai ticībai var būt arī negatīva ietekme. Priekšstats par elli vai grēku var bojāt cilvēka garīgo labsajūtu, tāpat kā ticība debesīm un piedošanai var šķietami uzlabot psihisko pašsajūtu.

Iespējams, psihologs vai psihiatrs, kam ar pacientu ir kopīga ticība, varētu sniegt labu padomu un akcentēt reliģijas labvēlīgos aspektus. Nelaime tā, ka šādu speciālistu nav daudz. Kādā pētījumā atklāts, ka, jautāti par svarīgiem faktoriem viņu dzīvē, pacienti reliģiju minēja divreiz biežāk nekā psihiatri. Varbūt psihiatri nebija dzirdējuši par Paskāla derībām.

Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever
In 2004, Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman, MD, published Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever. Their groundbreaking book marshaled thousands of scientific studies to make the case that new developments in medicine and technology will allow us to radically extend our life expectancies and slow down the aging process. Soon, our notion of what it means to be a 55-year-old will be as outdated as an eight-track tape player.
TRANSCEND: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever presents a practical, enjoyable program so that readers can live long enough (and remain healthy long enough) to take full advantage of the biotech and nanotech advances that have already begun and will be occurring at an accelerating pace during the years ahead. To help readers remember the nine key components of the program, Ray and Terry have arranged them into a mnemonic:  Talk with your doctor Relaxation Assessment Nutrition Supplementation Calorie reduction Exercise New technologies Detoxification  This easy-to-follow program will help readers transcend the boundaries of our genetic legacy and live long enough to live forever. 

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trial


Introduction: Aging is characterized by the progressive loss of physiological capacity. At the cellular level, two key hallmarks of the aging process include telomere length (TL) shortening and cellular senescence. Repeated intermittent hyperoxic exposures, using certain hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) protocols, can induce regenerative effects which normally occur during hypoxia. The aim of the current study was to evaluate whether HBOT affects TL and senescent cell concentrations in a normal, non-pathological, aging adult population.

Methods: Thirty-five healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, were enrolled to receive 60 daily HBOT exposures. Whole blood samples were collected at baseline, at the 30th and 60th session, and 1-2 weeks following the last HBOT session. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) telomeres length and senescence were assessed.

Results: Telomeres length of T helper, T cytotoxic, natural killer and B cells increased significantly by over 20% following HBOT. The most significant change was noticed in B cells which increased at the 30th session, 60th session and post HBOT by 25.68%±40.42 (p=0.007), 29.39%±23.39 (p=0.0001) and 37.63%±52.73 (p=0.007), respectively.

There was a significant decrease in the number of senescent T helpers by -37.30%±33.04 post-HBOT (P<0.0001). T-cytotoxic senescent cell percentages decreased significantly by -10.96%±12.59 (p=0.0004) post-HBOT.

In conclusion, the study indicates that HBOT may induce significant senolytic effects including significantly increasing telomere length and clearance of senescent cells in the aging populations.


Coalition for radical life extension

Our Purpose
is to unite a critical mass of like-minded people who support radical life extension and physical immortality in order to inspire revolutionary change in how radical life extension is viewed in our world.
But we need you.
Make a tax deductible donation
The Coalition for Radical Life Extension is a Not-for-Profit 501 (C)(3), EIN: 84-0581094: http://www.rlecoalition.com/

Human Longevity Inc

Take Control of Your Health with Health Nucleus
Stay ahead of aging and illness

United Therapeutics

United Therapeutics Corporation focuses on the strength of a balanced, value-creating biotechnology model. We are confident in our future thanks to our fundamental attributes, namely our obsession with quality and innovation, the power of our brands, our entrepreneurial culture and our bioinformatics leadership. We also believe that our determination to be responsible citizens – having a positive impact on patients, the environment and society – will sustain our success in the long term.
Through our wholly-owned subsidiary, Lung Biotechnology PBC, we are focused on addressing the acute national shortage of transplantable lungs and other organs with a variety of technologies that either delay the need for such organs or expand the supply. Lung Biotechnology is the first public benefit corporation subsidiary of a public biotechnology or pharmaceutical company.

Calico google's human longevity project

Our culture is shaped by our values—they are a framework that sets expectations and guides employees’ behavior.
Our values inform the big and small decisions we make every day: the science and business decisions, and also how we decide to collaborate with our colleagues within and outside the company. We may succeed. We may fail. But, by working together, with integrity and respect, we will always be doing things the right way, and we just might achieve something that others may not believe possible.
We use the following core values to guide us on our journey:
  • INNOVATION: We believe tackling aging and increasing healthspan can only succeed with cutting-edge science and transformative technology and that both are fueled by intellectual freedom and creativity
  • INTEGRITY: We expect everyone to be honest, ethical and trustworthy
  • COURAGE: We aim high, make tough decisions and take smart risks
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: We value taking personal responsibility and look inward first when things do not go well
  • COLLABORATION: We understand that working together can expand possibilities and capabilities
  • GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT: We strive to be kind and considerate, respect each other’s individuality and perspectives and graciously share both ideas and credit

We are builders. We create tools that put health data into action.
Verily lives at the intersection of technology, data science and healthcare. Our mission is to make the world's health data useful so that people enjoy healthier lives.
Verily is developing tools to collect and organize health data, then creating interventions and platforms that put insights derived from that health data to use for more holistic care management. We have three guiding product design principles: start with the user, simplify care, and lead on security and privacy.

Reversing aging now possible!
World's first to confirm that as cell aging progresses
DGIST's research team discovered substances that can induce reversible aging* recovery and identified an aging recovery mechanism using these substances.
Aging is a phenomenon in which a cell's ability to divide and grow deteriorates as it gets older, and this causes degradation of the body and senile diseases. The inhibition and recovery of aging is an instinctive desire of humans; thus, it is a task and challenge of biologists to identify substances that control aging and analyze aging mechanisms.
DGIST's research team have been conducting research to reverse the aging process by shifting the existing academia's 'irreversibility of aging' paradigm, which means aging cannot be reversed.
To reverse the aging process, the research team searched for factors that could control aging and tried to discover substances that could restore cell division capacity. As a result, it was confirmed that KU-60019, an inhibitor of ATM protein, which is a phosphorylation enzyme, recovers the functions of aging cells through activation of lysosomal functions and induction of cell proliferation.
The degradation of lysosomes, which are intracellular organelles responsible for autophagy and decomposition of biopolymers such as proteins and lipids in the cell, leads to cell senescence by accumulating biomolecules that must be removed in cells and causes instability of the metabolism such as removal of dysfunctional mitochondria that do not function.
The research team was the world's first to confirm that as cell aging progresses, the vacuolar ATPase (v-ATPase) protein involved in the lysosomal activity regulation is phosphorylated by the ATM protein, and the binding force between the units constituting the v-ATPase is weakened, so consequently the function of lysosomes deteriorates.
In addition, the team has proven that the reversible recovery of aging is possible through its experiment that shows the regulation of ATM protein activation by KU-60019 substances induces the reduction of phosphorylation of v-ATPase, thereby inducing recovery of mitochondrial function and functional recovery of the lysosome and autophagy system as well as promoting wound healing in aging animal models.
DGIST Chair Professor Park SangChul said, "The significance and implication of this study is that it is possible to reverse the recovery of aging cells by inhibiting and restoring the degradation of lysosomal function. In the future, we will continue to conduct studies that extend the life expectancy of human beings by verifying and validating efficacy and safety through aging animal models."
* Reversible aging: In a chemical reaction, when two substances are reacted at a specific concentration, pressure, temperature, etc., and a product is made, the reaction in which the first two substances are formed after reacting this product is called a reversible reaction. On the other hand, reactions that occur only in one direction are called irreversible reactions. Instead of seeing the aging of living organisms as they grow older as irreversible and inevitable, they see it as reversible and restorable; thus, the term 'reversible aging' is used to denote such a reaction.
Scientists reverse aging in mice by repairing damaged DNA
Could lead to an anti-aging drug that counters damage from old age, cancer, and radiation
March 26, 2017
A research team led by Harvard Medical School professor of genetics David Sinclair, PhD, has made a discovery that could lead to a revolutionary new drug that allows cells to repair DNA damaged by aging, cancer, and radiation.
In a paper published in the journal Science on Friday (March 24), the scientists identified a critical step in the molecular process related to DNA damage.
The researchers found that a compound known as NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which is naturally present in every cell of our body, has a key role as a regulator in protein-to-protein interactions that control DNA repair. In an experiment, they found that treating mice with a NAD+ precursor called NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) improved their cells’ ability to repair DNA damage.
“The cells of the old mice were indistinguishable from the young mice, after just one week of treatment,” said senior author Sinclair.
Disarming a rogue agent: When the NAD molecule (red) binds to the DBC1 protein (beige), it prevents DBC1 from attaching to and incapacitating a protein (PARP1) that is critical for DNA repair. (credit: David Sinclair)
Human trials of NMN therapy will begin within the next few months to “see if these results translate to people,” he said. A safe and effective anti-aging drug is “perhaps only three to five years away from being on the market if the trials go well.”
What it means for astronauts, childhood cancer survivors, and the rest of us
The researchers say that in addition to reversing aging, the DNA-repair research has attracted the attention of NASA. The treatment could help deal with radiation damage to astronauts in its Mars mission, which could cause muscle weakness, memory loss, and other symptoms (see “Mars-bound astronauts face brain damage from galactic cosmic ray exposure, says NASA-funded study“), and more seriously, leukemia cancer and weakened immune function (see “Travelers to Mars risk leukemia cancer, weakend immune function from radiation, NASA-funded study finds“).
The treatment could also help travelers aboard aircraft flying across the poles. A 2011 NASA study showed that passengers on polar flights receive about 12 percent of the annual radiation limit recommended by the International Committee on Radiological Protection.
The other group that could benefit from this work is survivors of childhood cancers, who are likely to suffer a chronic illness by age 45, leading to accelerated aging, including cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancers unrelated to the original cancer, the researchers noted.
For the past four years, Sinclair’s team has been working with spinoff MetroBiotech on developing NMN as a drug. Sinclair previously made a link between the anti-aging enzyme SIRT1 and resveratrol. “While resveratrol activates SIRT1 alone, NAD boosters [like NMN] activate all seven sirtuins, SIRT1-7, and should have an even greater impact on health and longevity,” he says.
Sinclair is also a professor at the University of New South Wales School of Medicine in Sydney, Australia.

Abstract of A conserved NAD+ binding pocket that regulates protein-protein interactions during aging
DNA repair is essential for life, yet its efficiency declines with age for reasons that are unclear. Numerous proteins possess Nudix homology domains (NHDs) that have no known function. We show that NHDs are NAD+ (oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) binding domains that regulate protein-protein interactions. The binding of NAD+to the NHD domain of DBC1 (deleted in breast cancer 1) prevents it from inhibiting PARP1 [poly(adenosine diphosphate–ribose) polymerase], a critical DNA repair protein. As mice age and NAD+ concentrations decline, DBC1 is increasingly bound to PARP1, causing DNA damage to accumulate, a process rapidly reversed by restoring the abundance of NAD+. Thus, NAD+ directly regulates protein-protein interactions, the modulation of which may protect against cancer, radiation, and aging.
Topics: Biomed/Longevity | Biotech

Targeted Apoptosis of Senescent Cells Restores Tissue Homeostasis in Response to Chemotoxicity and Aging
 modified FOXO4-p53 interfering peptide causes p53 nuclear exclusion in senescent cells
·         This FOXO4 peptide induces targeted apoptosis of senescent cells (TASC)
·         TASC neutralizes murine liver chemotoxicity from doxorubicin treatment
·         TASC restores fitness, hair density, and renal function in fast and naturally aged mice

The accumulation of irreparable cellular damage restricts healthspan after acute stress or natural aging. Senescent cells are thought to impair tissue function, and their genetic clearance can delay features of aging. Identifying how senescent cells avoid apoptosis allows for the prospective design of anti-senescence compounds to address whether homeostasis can also be restored. Here, we identify FOXO4 as a pivot in senescent cell viability. We designed a FOXO4 peptide that perturbs the FOXO4 interaction with p53. In senescent cells, this selectively causes p53 nuclear exclusion and cell-intrinsic apoptosis. Under conditions where it was well tolerated in vivo, this FOXO4 peptide neutralized doxorubicin-induced chemotoxicity. Moreover, it restored fitness, fur density, and renal function in both fast aging XpdTTD/TTD and naturally aged mice. Thus, therapeutic targeting of senescent cells is feasible under conditions where loss of health has already occurred, and in doing so tissue homeostasis can effectively be restored.

How to program DNA like we do computers

Researchers program DNA molecules to follow specific instructions to create sophisticated molecular machines for medical and research uses
December 18, 2017
A programmable chemical oscillator made from DNA (credit: Ella Maru Studio and Cody Geary)
Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have programmed DNA molecules to follow specific instructions to create sophisticated molecular machines that could be capable of communication, signal processing, problem-solving, decision-making, and control of motion in living cells — the kind of computation previously only possible with electronic circuits.
Future applications may include health care, advanced materials, and nanotechnology.
As a demonstration, the researchers constructed a first-of-its-kind chemical oscillator that uses only DNA components — no proteins, enzymes or other cellular components — to create a classic chemical reaction network (CRN) called a “rock-paper-scissors oscillator.” The goal was to show that DNA alone is capable of precise, complex behavior.
A systematic pipeline for programming DNA-only dynamical systems and the implementation of a chemical oscillator (credit: Niranjan Srinivas et al./Science)
Chemical oscillators have long been studied by engineers and scientists. For example, the researchers who discovered the chemical oscillator that controls the human circadian rhythm — responsible for our bodies’ day and night rhythm — earned the 2017 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine.
“As engineers, we are very good at building sophisticated electronics, but biology uses complex chemical reactions inside cells to do many of the same kinds of things, like making decisions,” said David Soloveichik, an assistant professor in the Cockrell School’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and senior author of a paper in the journal Science.
“Eventually, we want to be able to interact with the chemical circuits of a cell, or fix malfunctioning circuits or even reprogram them for greater control. But in the near term, our DNA circuits could be used to program the behavior of cell-free chemical systems that synthesize complex molecules, diagnose complex chemical signatures, and respond to their environments.”
The team’s research was conducted as part of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Molecular Programming Project and funded by the NSF, the Office of Naval Research, the National Institutes of Health, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
Programming a Chemical Oscillator
Abstract of Enzyme-free nucleic acid dynamical systems
An important goal of synthetic biology is to create biochemical control systems with the desired characteristics from scratch. Srinivas et al. describe the creation of a biochemical oscillator that requires no enzymes or evolved components, but rather is implemented through DNA molecules designed to function in strand displacement cascades. Furthermore, they created a compiler that could translate a formal chemical reaction network into the necessary DNA sequences that could function together to provide a specified dynamic behavior.
Niranjan Srinivas, James Parkin, Georg Seelig, Erik Winfree, David Soloveichik. Enzyme-free nucleic acid dynamical systems. Science 15 Dec 2017: Vol. 358, Issue 6369, eaal2052; DOI: 10.1126/science.aal2052  

Ultrasound-powered nanorobots clear bacteria and toxins from blood

The U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency aims to create a broad-spectrum detoxification robotic platform
June 5, 2018
Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed tiny ultrasound-powered nanorobots that can swim through blood, removing harmful bacteria and the toxins they produce.
These proof-of-concept nanorobots could one day offer a safe and efficient way to detoxify and decontaminate biological threat agents — providing an fast alternative to the multiple, broad-spectrum antibiotics currently used to treat life-threatening pathogens like MRSA bacteria (an antibiotic-resistant staph strain). MRSA is considered a serious worldwide threat to public health.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) threatens the effective prevention and treatment of an ever-increasing range of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi, according to the World Health Organization — an increasingly serious threat to global public health.
Trapping pathogens
The researchers coated gold nanowires with a hybrid of red blood cell membranes and platelets (tiny blood cells that help your body form clots to stop bleeding).*
  • The platelets cloak the nanowires and attract bacterial pathogens, which become bound to the nanorobots.
  • The red blood cells then absorb and neutralize the toxins produced by these bacteria.
The interior gold nanowire body of the nanorobots responds to ultrasound, causing the nanorobots to swim around rapidly (no chemical fuel required) — mimicking the movement of natural motile cells (such as red blood cells). This mobility helps the nanorobots efficiently mix with their targets (bacteria and toxins) in blood and speed up detoxification.
The coating also protects the nanorobots from a process known as biofouling — when proteins collect onto the surface of foreign objects and prevent them from operating normally.
The nanorobots are just over one micrometer** (1,000 nanometers) long (for comparison, red blood cells have a diameter of 6 to 8 micrometers). The nanorobots can travel up to 35 micrometers per second in blood when powered by ultrasound.
In tests, the researchers used the nanorobots to treat blood samples contaminated with MRSA and their toxins. After five minutes, these blood samples had three times less bacteria and toxins than untreated samples.
Broad-spectrum detoxification
Future work includes tests in mice, making nanorobots out of biodegradable materials instead of gold, and tests of also using the nanorobots for drug delivery.
The ultimate research goal is not to use the nanorobots specifically for treating MRSA infections, but more generally for detoxifying biological fluids — “an important step toward the creation of a broad-spectrum detoxification robotic platform,” as the researchers note in a paper.
The researchers created the nanorobots in three steps:
1. They created the hybrid coating by first separating entire membranes from platelets and red blood cells.
2. They applied ultrasound (high-frequency sound waves) to fuse the membranes together. (Since the membranes were taken from actual cells, they contain all their original-cell surface protein functions, including the ability of platelets to attract bacteria.)
3. They coated these hybrid membranes onto gold nanowires.
** A micrometer is one millionth of a meter, or one thousandth of a millimeter.
Reference: Science Robotics. Source: UC San Diego.

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