piektdiena, 2017. gada 8. septembris

Conciliatoriness as a Guarantor of the Spread of Evil

                                                                                                                 Aeque ac tu doleo

Conciliatoriness as a Guarantor of the Spread of Evil

   In ordinary life, we feel and passively observe that moral and spiritual values in society still remain in the background. We apolitically state that humanism has the status of a stepchild. In fear of change, we allow further degradation of the social environment.
   As a result, crime and corruption persist, social inequalities worsen, forced migration rises, militarism progresses, extremism grows, and risks of terrorism and even global war increase. At the international level, this is regularly covered up with a hypocritical, two-faced diplomacy, which is even mocking humanity and which is incapable of resolving interstate conflicts in a humane manner.
   The current sham democracy is not able to cope with these existential problems and to prevent them. Meanwhile, the political and intellectual elite continues to deliberate cleverly, create all kinds of bureaucratic bodies, organise relaxation symposia and blabbering forums, and cultivate such pseudo-activities, which in reality do not change things much and do not improve the situation radically. However, most people, unfortunately, continue to reconcile themselves with all this, adapting themselves to the bad and evil, becoming similar to such negative models.... Read more: https://www.amazon.com/HOW-GET-RID-SHACKLES-TOTALITARIANISM-ebook/dp/B0C9543B4L/ref=sr_1_1?crid=19WW1TG75ZU79&keywords=HOW+TO+GET+RID+OF+THE+SHACKLES+OF+TOTALITARIANISM&qid=1687700500&s=books&sprefix=how+to+get+rid+of+the+shackles+of+totalitarianism%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C181&sr=1-1

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